
How To Get More Distance With Driver

Cheek, People, Hairstyle, Skin, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow, Social group, Photograph, White,

Since nabbing an Oscar nom for her performance in Good Will Hunting (as well as one for the coveted Best Kiss at the MTV Movie Awards), Minnie Driver has taken a different route to fame and creative fulfillment. While she could have had her pick of the blockbuster flicks, her last big screen role was almost four years ago in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. Parts in low budget indies like The Virgin of Juarez and Tom DiCillo's Delirious have been overshadowed by an Emmy nomination for FX Television's The Riches and her second album, Seastories.

Minnie Driver's fierce independence was further demonstrated when she recently announced her pregnancy but remained mum about the identity of the father; she's expressed her determination to raise her child with the support of friends and family. In the final stages of her pregnancy, she is continuing to work on Katherine Dieckmann's upcoming movie, Motherhood, writing songs for her next album, and working for Oxfam. Karl Rozemeyer of sat down with Driver to discuss her new movie, Take, why she won't name the father or find out the sex of her baby and her current craving for all foods green.

Was it the part that made you want to make Take? Or was it the fact this is an issue movie?

No, I'd never do something that was just about an issue that was interesting, if it was rubbish. It was a really well-written script. And [Charles Oliver] is a really fantastic person and turned out to be a great director. It cost about a million dollars to make, and it looks extraordinary. It's beautifully shot. It's been beautifully processed and put together. Ultimately it's about something that is so prevalent now and having a huge impact on the penal system. In Britain too, the prison systems are in a huge state of decline.

Would you leave America for the safety and future of your child?

No, no, no. No, definitely not. I'm fully planning on having my baby here. And believe me, with draft and with everything, that's a huge consideration. But no, I've made my home here. I believe in the cornerstones of America. I do think it has been mismanaged, obscenely mismanaged. But that doesn't mean I don't love what America is fundamentally about.

A lot of times we hear from actresses that once they've had kids it changes their whole perspective, and they don't care as much about what they're doing. Do you think that may be the case for you?

Well, I'm sure that's the case. You hope it would be. You hope [the reaction] wouldn't be, "Well, I've had my kids, and they were grotesque, and I wanted to go and do another huge movie!" You hope it would be the other way around. Yeah, sure, but it's really a matter of your life being bigger than what you do for a living. And that's always what saves people in Hollywood, anyway. It is the realization that your life is so much more, even though it seems like celebrity, friends, and success would be the things that would be super important. Actually, it's a wonderful thing I do for a living. It definitely has its place. [But] my life… is big and broad, and I'm interested in a lot of different things.

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How To Get More Distance With Driver


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