
ICYMI: May 9, 2022

ICYMI: May 9, 2022

A lot can happen in a week. 7 days might not seem like much, but it can be an eternity in the tech news bike. Between Windows news, hardware and software developments and Microsoft's fast-paced movements throughout the engineering science landscape, information technology's never easy to proceed your hand on the pulse of engineering. Non to mention everything that'due south going on correct hither at Windows Cardinal!

Every calendar week we're going to compile the biggest stories into ane mail, so you never fall behind – In Case You Missed It (ICYMI).

The Windows 10 Store got some updates


Another week, another batch of Windows x Insider Preview updates. Preview Build 10074 received multiple patches that included the typical bug fixes, too every bit some new tweaks and features. 1 addition was support for the Dolby Digital Plus codec.

A fleck more heady was a new Dark Theme, which is easily enabled using a xv-second registry hack. The new theme gives the operating system a completely different feel, like dark and day.

This week's patches also brought with them tweaks to the Windows 10 Store. The latest version of the shop looks slightly different, with a download icon for checking the condition of your installs and a new "My Library" section that gives you a await at all of the purchases you lot have made from the shop. There is also an option to enable automated updates for your apps.

Nosotros also got a look at what's coming to Windows ten in the hereafter. Microsoft showed off the upcoming Jump Lists in the Start bill of fare. And Windows Insider leader, Gabriel Aul, bodacious united states of america that although Windows ten will no longer support Windows Media Eye](/windows-media-heart-gets-laid-rest-wont-announced-windows-10), there volition nevertheless exist native software that can play DVDs.

A lucky few got their easily on Build 10108, which probable won't be pushed out to Insiders, and posted some of their findings. While in that location wasn't anything monumentally different, in that location were several UI changes, some new context menus, and the 3D Builder app for 3D press.

Microsoft also boldly declared Windows 10 'the last version of Windows', as they motility away from their operating system as solely a product, in favor of shaping it into an ever-changing service. The times, they are a-irresolute for Windows as nosotros know information technology.

Other notable items:

  • Microsoft to offer Windows Update for Business every bit a free service for enterprise devices
  • Audible for Windows 8 is gone, but it'south non all bad news
  • Cortana to offer tech back up and business data answers in Windows 10
  • Here are the features from IE that Microsoft Border won't exist using
  • Microsoft Border: Hands-on with features you tin utilize today and a glimpse into the future

Microsoft's Surface 3 hit the shelves this week


Microsoft's news of the week was the launch of the Surface 3 On Tuesday, the x-inch tablet hit the shelves in the United states of america and information technology's been making its style around the globe. If you lot are a Surface RT or Surface 2 owner in the US feeling similar you are missing out, you can get up to $150 off the Surface 3 with trade-in offering

Post-obit in the footsteps of the Windows Insider Preview Program, Microsoft also released Function 2022 as a public preview for people to check out. The preview is risk-free and piece of cake to install.

Speaking of Office, information technology was besides announced that users will be migrated over to Office 365 later on this year. The move is allegedly an attempt to prepare the, Outlook on the Desktop, and Office 365 platforms for the development of tertiary-party apps that will work across all three.

Skype saw its share of ups and downs. Microsoft revealed that their Skype for Business service would exist capable of dissemination meetings for up to 10,000 people. Information technology will employ Azure Media Services to stream audio, video, and PowerPoint presentations and will likewise piece of work with Bing Pulse for sentiment tracking and Yammer for audience interaction.

The bad news is that an EU court shot down Microsoft'south bid to trademark the Skype name Co-ordinate to the courtroom, the name is too like that of the Heaven dissemination network, and thus, a trademark would pb to confusion. Microsoft has already said that they volition entreatment the conclusion.

Other notable items

  • Microsoft Sway presentation tools to be added to Office 365 for business and teaching users
  • Unity Technologies details its partnership with Microsoft HoloLens
  • New Microsoft Edge Dev site replaces Modern.IE for web developers
  • The lead designer of Microsoft'due south Surface tablets gets the spotlight in new Microsoft video
  • These are the messages subconscious in Belfiore's Windows binary shirt

Facebook opens up access to


An even bigger court determination came from the 2nd Excursion U.S. Court of Appeals. A judge ruled that the controversial majority collection of telephone call data by the NSA was illegal. While this is huge news for proponents of personal privacy, the boxing is far from over. The conclusion neither ends the program nor even temporarily halts it, as federal courts review it, and Congress mulls over changing the NSA plan itself.

Facebook announced its intent to host entire manufactures from major publications directly, rather than linking to them externally. The initiative is an attempt to help speed up load times of articles from such companies as BuzzFeed, The New York Times, and National Geographic.

Facebook also bowed to pressure from net neutrality advocates and opened up access to their platform to anybody. Initially, it was found that Facebook favored sure carriers and media outlets, raising the ire of many.

On the lighter side of things, we gave a video tour of the new HP Spectre x360 Ultrabook, a pretty impressive device.

We besides unboxed the Surface three, giving your impressions of the Microsoft'due south latest tablet along the way, and showed yous our 10 Must-accept apps for the first-time Surface owner.

Other notable items:

  • T-Mobile hands out gratis phones to existing Verizon customers to test-drive its network
  • Watch Jimmy Kimmel joke about new heart-finger emoji in Windows 10
  • Windows Central photo competition: Clouds
  • Highs and Lows Part Two: Microsoft'southward smartphone strategy and the seeds of success
  • Take questions well-nigh the new Surface 3? Swoop into our dedicated forums!
  • Uber reportedly makes a $iii billion bid for Nokia's Here Maps division

Share your thoughts on this past week of news! And nosotros'll be back once again next week to do information technology all again.


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